- TROJAN HISTORY by Bernard Jones -
Bernard Jones was, until recently, a multi-disciplinary professional; a Chartered Practitioner and Chartered Fellow with a lifetime of scientific, technical, investigative and research work behind him.
The Discovery of Troy and its Lost History was released on 2nd May and is available now on the link below!

Author releases first book after more than 35 years writing it

Bernard Jones with his book: The Discovery of Troy and its Lost History
An author has published his first book – more than 35 years after he started writing it. Bernard Jones, who is originally from Caerphilly, released The Discovery of Troy and its Lost History on Thursday, May 2. Mr Jones, who studied ancient philosophy/mythology and ancient history at post graduate level, has given the first copy of his book, which is about the Trojan Wars, to Caerphilly Library.
Caerphilly Library presented with first copy of local author’s book

Author, Bernard Jones (left) with Senior Library Assistant Mary Jenkins and Reader Development Officer, Karen Pugh (right)
Mr Bernard Jones presented Caerphilly Library with the first printed copy of his book that took over 30 years to produce.
Originally from Caerphilly, Mr Bernard Jones has been a historian for 35 plus years, completing his post graduate research in ancient philosophy/mythology and ancient history. Starting his research back in 1981, he spent a lot of his time in the old Caerphilly library.